Outbreak always happen when I’m stressed

25 Oct 2023
Outbreak always happen when I’m stressed

Yan Qing, 31, IT Consultant

“None of the previous clinics I’ve visited could rescue my face, till I met Caring Skin.”


Do share with us the struggles you faced with

“I will always have an outbreak around my cheek and chin areas. When I grow older, I realise that my skin has a combination of oily and sensitive skin.”

Do share with us the struggles you faced when trying to find solutions

“I tried to go for some facial treatment, but I always felt that their extractions are very painful and I will always tear during my session. Even after a few sessions with them, my acne skin still does not improve. It was so frustrating and sad.”

What solutions have you tried that didn’t work?

“When I was young, I tried to apply sliced lemon and apply it on my face. This method was suggested by one of the doctors I had visited. However, it does not even improve my skin condition, it has made my condition worsen.”

Solution and progression

What finally did work? And how did you come about trying it?

“I tried to search online on why I am having a breakout around my cheek and chin areas. Eventually I realised that hormone changes can lead to acne breakout. Hence I tried to cut down my daily milk intake for 2 weeks. Eventually my acne has also progressingly stopped the outbreak. At the same time, I also found Caring Skin online and decided to give it a try.”

What’s your skin like now? What’s your routine?

“My skin condition is a lot better now. Even my friends could not remember what my face looked like during my acne outbreak. For my morning routine, I will always apply toner and moisturiser after cleansing my face. For my night time routine, after double cleansing, I will apply toner, eye cream, serum and moisturiser.”


Could you share with us your experience at Caring Skin?

“My experience with Caring Skin has always been fabulous. I always look forward to attending each of my sessions, especially since I know it will be a distressful time for me. Their extraction is totally painless that I can find myself falling asleep each time I visit them. I especially love their massage and also the eye gua sha. Really cannot afford to miss my monthly session with them.”

Would you recommend it to others? Why or why not? Have any tips?

“Yes definitely. I have been introducing Caring Skin to my family and friends and all of them love the services from Caring Skin.”