Does Oily Skin Need A Moisturiser?

Does Oily Skin Need A Moisturiser?

When it comes to skincare, the topic of moisturisers often sparks debates, especially among those with oily skin. The prevailing misconception suggests that individuals with oily skin should avoid moisturisers altogether, fearing that they will exacerbate the issue. However, dermatologists and skincare experts increasingly emphsise the necessity of moisturisers for all skin types, including oily skin.

Understanding Oily Skin

Oily skin is characterised by an overproduction of sebum, the skin’s natural oil. This can lead to a more shiny appearance, enlarged pores and sometimes even acne or blemishes.

Many assume that adding more moisture to oily skin would only worsen these concerns. However, the root cause of oily skin often lies in genetics, hormones or environmental factors rather than the lack of hydration.

The Role of Moisturisers

Moisturisers play a crucial role in maintaining skin health, regardless of skin type. They help to balance hydration levels, support the skin’s barrier function, and even regulate oil production.

For oily skin, choose a lightweight and non-comedogenic moisturiser for your hydration needs. These formulations provide hydration without adding excess oil to the skin's surface, helping to prevent the overproduction of sebum.

Benefits of Moisturisers

  • Balanced Hydration: Regular moisturising helps prevent the skin from overproducing oil in an attempt to compensate for dehydration.
  • Improved Skin Barrier: Moisturiser can strengthen the skin barrier to protect against environmental pollutants and maintain overall skin health.
  • Reduced Breakouts: The right moisturisers for your skin type can help to reduce acne breakouts and minimise inflammation by keeping your pores clear.

What About Going For Facials?

While oily skin looks like they do not need any form of moisturising, they in fact still do. Regular facial sessions often include deep cleansing, exfoliation and specialised treatments to tackle oily skin concerns.

Monthly facials can further enhance the effectiveness of your daily skincare routine by addressing deeper-seating issues and maintaining skin clarity and health.

Ultimately, there is no one-size-fits-all treatment for skincare. At Caring Skin, we can help to tailor a routine that best suits your skin type and concerns. We can help you to embrace a holistic approach to skincare, including the right products and professional treatments to achieve and maintain healthy, radiant skin. 

Book an appointment with us today.