Do These To Prevent Post-Workout Acne

Skincare Tips
26 Jul 2024
Do These To Prevent Post-Workout Acne

Exercising has many benefits to the skin, such as having an increased blood flow and reduced stress-related acne. However, exercise also creates the perfect environment for bacterias and yeast to cling onto your skin. To prevent getting the post-workout acne, we recommend the following tips to follow.

No Makeup To Your Workouts

While exercising, there is increased blood flow to the skin. This increase of blood flow causes pores to open up. The makeup can cause sweat and bacteria to become trapped in the enlarged pores. Over time, this can lead to clogged pores and acne.

Keep Hair Off Of Your Face

If your hair is long, pull it back and off your face. The natural oils found in your hair and hair care products may be transferred to your skin. Hair can also trap the moisture on your skin. This can lead to clogged pores and encourage fungal growth, contributing to breakouts.

Wipe Down Equipment

Clean any equipment that will be touching your face while working out. This can be your headphones if you listen to music during your workout, and any other sports equipment such as helmets or goggles. Cleaning them will remove oil, dirt and bacteria that may contribute to breakouts.

Wipe down all other shared exercise equipment prior to usage as well. This will help to remove some of the bacteria, dirt and oils if the previous user of the equipment did not wipe down after use.

Avoid Touching Your Face With Your Hands

Make it a habit to not touch your face with your hands while working out. Any bacteria, oils or dirt from holding gym equipment, dumbbells or barbells would get transferred to your hands and to your skin, which can also contribute to clogged pores and infections.

Wear Loose, Moisture-Wicking Clothes

Tight fitting clothes in the gym can trap moisture to your skin, which creates the condition for acne flares. A type of yeast commonly found on the skin called Malassezia can thrive in the warm, moist conditions created by your workout clothes.

When the yeast grows onto the skin, it can cause fungal acne to develop.

Shower After Workout

If possible, shower after your workout to remove any sweat, oil and dirt that may have accumulated. Otherwise, at least wipe down your body and change out of your sweaty clothes as soon as possible. Should you not have spare clothes to change into, do remember to wash your face before leaving the gym.

Visit A Skincare Expert If Self-Care Is Not Working

If self-care measures are not keeping your acne in check, you may want to consult a skincare expert for personalized advice and treatments tailored to your specific skin type and acne condition. Seeking professional help can be particularly beneficial if your acne persists.

At Caring Skin, we can help you face life with confidence. Book a consultation with us today.